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As a business owner, you definitely want to see improvement in your sales. Every action you take, every strategy you do, is all so you can eventually get more sales. Your website should contribute to that. It should be one of the assets you have that you can count on to improve conversion rates for your business.

Angelica Cruzada
Angelica Cruzada
09/05/2021 7:01 PM

As a business owner, you definitely want to see improvement in your sales. Every action you take, every strategy you do, is all so you can eventually get more sales. Your website should contribute to that. It should be one of the assets you have that you can count on to improve conversion rates for your business.

Investing in web design services can make a huge difference, especially when you work with a design company that truly knows what it’s doing. Web design is what dictates the kind of user experience your brand delivers online. In a study conducted by Forrester, it was shown that every dollar invested in UX could deliver a $100 ROI. It only indicates that website design elements like user experience can be one of the best tactics for conversion rate optimization.

In this post, Logo Media zooms in on how a conversion-focused web design can be the key to improving your sales:

How Web Design Focusing on Conversion Can Boost Sales

Before proceeding, you must understand the two basic concepts here – UI and UX. You might know the definition of these two, but more than that, you need to have an understanding of their significance and role. Otherwise, you could miss out on a lot of potential for revenue.

UI, simply put, involves the actual look and function of your website and its elements, while UX pertains to the overall journey and experience of those who visit your website.

By optimizing both through innovative design, you engage visitors better, and your chances of converting traffic into customers are higher, too. Here’s how you can nail these two website design elements:


Your business website only has about 50 milliseconds to create a positive first impression. In that short period, you can bet that your users have already formed their opinion on your website and your brand based on its aesthetic appeal. It is therefore essential to have a professional-looking, clean, and engaging homepage to minimize bounce rate. The goal here is to keep them on your website. If you can establish a good first impression, your website visitors are more likely to stay longer and explore your website.


Your potential customers have a need that they’re looking to fulfill on your website. You need to understand what that need is and provide them with the solution. One way your website can help them fulfill that is by providing them clear navigation.

Avoid having too many steps that could confuse the user. Also, keep the words simple as technical terms could be frustrating for people unfamiliar with them. Perhaps most importantly, ensure that every page loads fast because your web visitors have no time to wait for a slow page to load.

Work on a Sales-Focused Web Design Strategy

Rework Your Sales Funnel

Review your customer journey. Are you showing your website visitors a clear path to what you want them to do? If not, you should eliminate potential friction points. Don’t forget to add a clear CTA on every page.

Come Up with Relevant Content

Create content and visual elements that support the journey of your customer. For instance, if your content features discounts and other promotions, it would be easier for the website visitor to make a purchase decision.

Redesign the Site

If you are still using a DIY website builder, it’s time to have a custom web design tailored for your brand and business. That’s the only way you can provide the best possible user experience to your visitors.

Conduct CRO Audits Regularly

You need to improve your conversions consistently. Doing audits regularly can help you identify which areas need improvement. This will help keep you ahead in the game. Utilize tools such as Dynamic Yield to conduct A/B testing to see the affect on performance, especially conversion rate.

Take Action

With a conversion-focused web design, you can better boost engagement and improve your chances of getting more sales. Considering that the majority of the people who visit websites are not ready to buy yet, the task of convincing and guiding the guests, so they’re brought closer to that decision, falls on web design. That tells you how important it is to have a professional website built by one of the best web design companies to ensure that your site is optimized for search and conversion.

Logo Media is a reputable website design company that can help you achieve your digital marketing goals through tailored web design solutions. Contact us today to know what we can do for your brand!

web design
conversion rate optimization
user experience
sales funnel

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