4 minutes read


You may have a website but it is not getting any traffic. Or, you may have good traffic but not a lot of sales. But in all of this, you still feel like your target audience is nowhere in sight and you are constantly looking for new ways to reach them. The truth is, you might be looking in the wrong direction.

Marinella Quinnie Salvilla
Marinella Quinnie Salvilla
07/11/2022 8:37 PM

ECommerce marketing requires a lot of creativity and hard work, just like in any other business. You need to stand apart from competitors and this requires a great amount of innovation.

You may have a website but it is not getting any traffic. Or, you may have good traffic but not a lot of sales. But in all of this, you still feel like your target audience is nowhere in sight and you are constantly looking for new ways to reach them. The truth is, you might be looking in the wrong direction.

These 5 strategies will help you get your business to the next level this year.

1. Do Affiliate Marketing

The affiliate marketing program is a great way to increase your sales and drive relevant traffic to your website at a low cost. When you join an affiliate program, you get to promote a product or brand for a commission and you only pay for the results you get.

For example, if you are promoting a new brand and you get a 5% commission if someone buys a product. If you paid an affiliate $3000, you only pay $150. Another example is if you are promoting a product and they give you 50% commission, you only pay $300 if you get a sale.

So, choose an affiliate program that fits your business needs and start promoting that brand.

2. Use Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to market your eCommerce business. But many businesses struggle with getting the results they want. Social media marketing is really a way to earn trust, loyalty, and referrals using social media. If you love your brand, your customers will see that through social media, as well as your products.

However, you need to have a good strategy to get results. You need to have a plan and social media monitoring tools to make your social media marketing effective. Social media monitoring tools will tell you what your customers are saying about your brand and products.

3. Leverage on Content Marketing

Content marketing is the art and science of creating and sharing valuable content relevant to your target audience and creating interactions with them.

You need to create content that attracts and compels your target audience to want to know more about you and your brand. However, you need to do more than just create content. You need to integrate social media marketing, email marketing, and other marketing channels for maximum results.

4. Invest in Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is a great way to make your products findable to find your products on search engines like Google and Bing.

Through quality SEO, you can get more traffic, sales, and visibility at no cost.

Now, if you have the budget to invest in paid search engine marketing, such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, then go for it. However, if you do not have the budget to invest in it, you can still get it done.

Just do keyword research, create good and relevant content, such as white papers, and blog posts, use social media to get your business name out there, and create relevant and useful backlinks to your website. This is what most successful SEO campaigns do.

5. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is not dead. In fact, it is very much alive. It is still relevant today.

A lot of people think that email marketing is too old-fashioned and that people will think it's spam. However, email marketing is one of the best ways to grow your brand and increase your sales, get in touch with your target audience, and develop better relationships with them.

Through email marketing, you will keep your customers updated on your brand. If you have a blog, you can send them the link and they become a part of the community. You can use your email marketing strategy to sell your products, announce new features on your website, or even announce your new products or services. You can also use it to capture leads and nurture them until they are ready to buy.


If you want to make your e-commerce business better, then you need a strategy. You need to be able to figure out what is working and what is not. With these 5 strategies, you will be able to improve your eCommerce marketing efforts and grow your business this year.

Logo Media offers the best eCommerce advertising campaigns through a combination of data-centric and creative services. We help brands to reach their target audience through eCommerce advertising and marketing. Let us help you get your products noticed and generate the best ROI for your business. Contact us today to get started!

Affiliate Marketing
marketing strategy
Email Marketing

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