11 minutes read


Choosing the right eCommerce platform is crucial, as it will provide customers with a first touchpoint with your business. With the right platform, your company will work more agilely and ultimately scale your operation!

Logan Gelzer
Logan Gelzer
08/07/2021 7:05 PM

Thanks to the rapid adoption of smartphones and broad access to online retail services, eCommerce businesses have survived amidst the pandemic, even showing the potential to grow substantially more.eCommerce is on the rise, and the numbers don’t lie. According to UNCTAD, retail sales shares had risen from 16 percent to 19 percent last year. If you wish to make the most of online tools to gain success, starting an eCommerce business is your chance to do it! However, before building an online store, you must first explore the different eCommerce platforms and determine which system suits your business best.

Which Platform Should You Use?

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is crucial, as it will provide customers with a first touchpoint with your business. With the right platform, your company will work more agilely and ultimately scale your operation! If you run your retail store on the wrong platform, you may have difficulty dealing with the platform’s limitations, resulting in lost money and a failed business.To help you select the right platform, we’ve listed down the differences between three of the top eCommerce solutions today. Just read down below to find out how different they are from each other:


Shopify is an all-around eCommerce solution that boasts a wide selection of features for different businesses, making them among the top-selling points of its software. Some of the features Shopify has include:

  • Storefront: Shopify allows sellers to build and customize their store, offering over 70 free and paid mobile-ready themes.
  • Hosting: When you use Shopify, you don’t have to worry about web hosting. You can use your domain name and even enjoy instant upgrades!
  • Products and Orders: On your Shopify store, create customer profiles and connect with drop-off or fulfillment centers.

Like Shopify, BigCommerce also offers a substantial feature set for online stores. Here are some of the capabilities they promise when you operate on their platform:

  • Website building: On BigCommerce, you have the freedom to create and customize your online store by selecting from their wide range of free and paid themes.
  • Hosting and security: The platform also provides HTTPS security, unlimited bandwidth, PCI-compliant hosting, and can use or purchase a domain name.
  • Promotion tools: To promote your store, BigCommerce offers tools such as the abandoned cart saver, product ratings, eCommerce analytics, and more.

WooCommerce operates differently than the other two eCommerce solutions, as you’ll need to use a WordPress plugin in conjunction with the platform. With a WordPress plug-in, you can enjoy several advantages, a few of which are:

  • Open-source software: Since WooCommerce is free and open-source, you can use it with the WordPress site to customize the plugin and its capabilities.
  • Products: Whatever product you have, you can sell through WooCommerce! The platform allows you to sell any kind of product at any number.
  • Promotions: You can use WordPress SEO tools for WooCommerce to market your online store, as well as show product ratings and reviews.

Ease of Use

Shopify is the easiest and fastest to figure out when navigating the platform, with its simple language and visual cues. On the other hand, BigCommerce can be pretty challenging to understand, but once you’ve overcome the learning curve, it’s all smooth sailing from there.You will most likely have the most challenging time with WooCommerce, as it requires advanced tech knowledge due to coding and self-hosting.

Build Time

Shopify has the quickest build time, taking just a few hours to create your store. On BigCommerce, you may have to invest a day or two into building a store because of the initial learning curve. As for WooCommerce, you might need a bit of extra help and a few extra days because of the technical demands.


There’s no better time to go into eCommerce than today! The changes in consumer behavior caused by recent events have been advantageous to the digital retail economy, presenting a promising business opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. As long as you run your business on the right platform and work with the best team, you’re sure to achieve success! Do you want your online store to stand out on Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce? Then, let our team at Logo Media help! Our ecommerce development agency specializes in strategy, creativity, design, and innovative technology to further enhance your digital experience. Get in touch with us today!

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